Friday, April 1, 2016

Go Skydiving

Please go skydiving
And forget the parachute
That's what we all need

Insult Poem

I think you smell like a sock,
Maybe you need to learn,
I think you'll rot,
Right after you burn.

You think to follow fate,

Sneaking away like a cat,
Looks like you're too late,
Now run from my baseball bat.

Monday, January 11, 2016

My Short Story

The Sunset Feather

One day on the shore of Sunset Cove where the sand is warm, the ocean is crystal clear, and the most fantastic sunsets happen, sat a little kiwi. This little kiwi goes by the name Ami. Ami always had a sense of adventure, she would always want to go exploring to see something new and mysterious. As she was sitting she was reading a book, it was a book of legends and myths told over time. As she was reading a feather fell on her book, it was beautiful, it wasn’t like any other feather she had seen before.

It had many fiery colors on it like the beginning of a perfect sunset and it seemed to look like there was glitter on it by the way it shined in the sun light, then a huge gust of wind came blew the feather away into a cave at the end of the beach. Ami quickly packed her book in her satchel and ran off where the feather had flown to. When she got into the cave she looked everywhere for it, and as she walked further into the cave she finally found it. It was almost like it wanted her to follow it, then she realized she had gotten lost, so she decided to keep going until she would find a way out. Soon she got tired and stopped for a nap, and as she slept she dreamed of the feather and that it was magical, and when she awoke she continued down the cave.

As Ami was walking she felt the ground shake then the ground started to collapse and she fell through the floor. When she hit the bottom, it looked like a small clearing with a small pond and a big boulder in the center, but that's not what she was focusing on but instead a huge Phoenix. It was beautiful! It had a glorious row of feathers and warm flames. The Phoenix seemed to noticed her presence, “Why did you come here child?” it asked, “I- I got lost in the cave.” Ami shyly said. The Phoenix saw how scared the kiwi is and how it was holding one of her feathers, “ I see you found one of my feathers, how about we make a deal. If you draw a portrait of me, I’ll let you keep the feather.” Ami was lucky she brought a sketchbook so she agreed and started to draw.

When Ami was finished the drawing, she showed the Phoenix. “Fantastic” It happily shouted. “I haven't seen what i looked like in 100’s of years!” Ami was proud of herself for making the mythical creature happy again, she worked very hard on the portrait to please the Phoenix. “As repayment, You get to keep my feather.” The Phoenix said. Ami was so excited! She couldn't wait to show everyone at home, But then she realized she didn't know how to get back home. She looked down at the floor with a sad expression. “Whats wrong? Do you not like my gift?” The Phoenix asked. “No, it’s not that. I love the gift but I don't know how to back home.” Ami said. “Don’t worry child, i'll help you.” The Phoenix said to Ami. After the Phoenix helped her through the cave, when they got out of the cave it appeared to be night time already. “Thank you so much for helping me find my way out!” Ami said. “Any time, and thank you for the wonderful picture.” The Phoenix said as it returned into the cave and said it’s last few words. “Goodbye child, I will see you again someday.” And with that the Phoenix left.
As Ami walked down the cove, she thought of the great time she had and the stories to tell. When she got home, she took a deep breath and walked in and as her family went to see her, she told them the wonderful adventure she had.

The End!